
everything Oprah

What do Kevin Bacon, Oprah and Jeopardy have in common?

Me!! (Possibly). I’m not entirely sure if it’s out of genuine concern or our seemingly inherent nature to love a train wreck, but some of my friends have started asking if I’m afraid my parents will find out I lost my job through this blog. I laugh every time, and I can’t help but laugh for two reasons. The first is that the idea of either one of my parents accessing a blog is simply comical and second, that what I write 3000 miles away from my former home would somehow make it to their IP address. Now, I fully understand how the Internet works and that anyone can read this anywhere in the world and that distance has zero…

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Oprah Made Me Do It

Oprah made me do it.  I think thats what I’m going to tell my parents — when I finally tell my parents that I lost my corporate job and that no, I’m not looking for a new one — that I’m leaving it up to the universe to guide me, along with a boat load of determination and a heap of blind faith.  Sorry mom, sorry dad.  I’m blogging (all the way to happy). Crickets. Now you’re either shocked that its been more than 30 days and I’m more than 30 years and I can’t fess up to my parents, or that I’ve made Oprah my scapegoat.  My guess is both and I’m okay with that.  But before you judge,…

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