September is going to be a busy month, good thing the kids will be in school soon enough and I’ll be so busy that I (hopefully) won’t even have time to be sad. We shall see! But I have 3 projects that I’m currently working on and have been busy Pinning away for inspiration, ideas and products! The first is for a good friend of mine, an Emmy nominated make-up artist who is branching out and opening her own lash studio. I’m super excited to get my hands on this space because when something is small, it means every inch is easily manicured and nothing gets neglected. You’ve got the time, the energy and the budget to really make an impact with smaller proportions and go for the wow factor with some serious gusto! And I’m already dreaming in boho chic style.
Which is what I think we’ve nailed down the vibe to be based on some initial inspiration I showed her from none other than my new favorite online boutique Lulu and Georgia. And then, when a piece I stumbled upon in Home Goods screamed at me, “I am so pretty! Please take me with you,” I saw it as a sign. And so did Megan. So take it home she did! The legs are to die for and the piece will hide everything including a mini fridge with a few minor adjustments (fingers crossed). But as for now, we are just finalizing the rug, and then once we’ve got that down, the rest is a piece of DIY cake!
Here’s the board I put together for her, I’ll update it along with photos as the projects get underway!
Header images via Pinterest
Follow Messy By Design’s board Design Client: Lash Studio on Pinterest.
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