“Do what you love and never work a day in your life.”
I couldn’t agree more! And although I have made many mentions of how exhausting and time consuming this project was, I have loved every single second of the last 3 weeks. It was my heaven, my bliss, my joy! And I am ever so grateful for being given the opportunity to discover what finding my passion truly means and I cannot praise enough all the people who helped me take this first step to truly living it. Thank you Nicole and Sam, my husband and Kim, Home Goods and spray paint and the noisy little creature living on the side of my house who kept me company as I crafted from dusk till dawn. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Now, I know I promised a big reveal Monday and it’s currently the wee hours of Wednesday morning and while I still don’t have the official “ta-dah,” I wanted to put something together for everyone asking. And when the last 2 missing pieces finally make their way into the showroom, and the last design element goes up, I’ll get new photos for you as fast as humanly possible along with an official launch post and a video. But for now, consider this a “soft-launch” for lack of a better word and take it all in!
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