If you haven’t figure it out already, this experience has changed me. For the better. I’m not only happier, I’m more connected to my feelings and my thoughts and in turn more present and able to really enjoy my life and all it’s flaws (I’m working on them). And it turns out this new outlook I have is a tad infectious or annoying, depending on which side of happy you fall on. And my friends have no problem telling me when I’ve crossed the line into hippyville. So, to keep it light, I’ve complied the top ten reasons why my friends think I’m going to start wearing crystals and never change out of yoga pants.
1. I believe in the Law of Attraction. And you should too! Cause whether you believe it or not, forces greater than yourself are at work in your life. I know this because I have 3 kids I thought I never wanted and no job that I thought I loved. What you ask for you will receive, so be very clear and never casual about it. All of your thoughts are energy and that energy will come back to you. End of story. So that being said, why not turn your thinking around, believe what quantum physics is teaching us and be positive, think positively, vibrate good energy. Seriously, what’s the absolute worst that can happen? You’re no longer the grumpiest person in the room?
2. I am acting act as if and sitting in my future right now. And it’s pretty freaking awesome! I am creating my future by being the person I aspire to be now and encouraging everyone else to follow suit. Try on what it feels like to live “that” life, the life of your dreams. Experience the joy and the deeper meaning it holds for you to attain it right now. Have the success, the house, the wealth, the relationship you want this very instant. Close your eyes and see it — then be it! Maybe it’s only sustainable for 2 minutes at first, but do it. As time passes, your ability to maintain the experience will increase and before you know it, you will be that much closer to actually BEING that person all day every day. Worst case scenario, you have an awesome daydream!
3. I can brush if off like Beyonce. I’m not down with OPP! Don’t ask me how but I just made it possible by deciding it was way to risky to be angry or be right. And my husband can vouch for me, I just woke up one day and stopped. Literally. I don’t want any negativity to mess with my vibration, cause the naysayers are totally not worth it. So listen up, cause this one can be a hard one. But do not get bogged down by others. In the end it’s either all their crap and you’re just the parking space for it or they aren’t your friends anyway so move on. People will want to keep you down or keep you exactly as you are because it’s a reality check for them and it’s way to painful to watch you rise above. But those “people” are not friends. “Good people bring out the good in people.” Learn this quickly and let go.
4. I am learning to unlearn fear and believe in infinite possibility. And all I have to do is play with my kids to grasp this! I understand that my current experience is what I believed I am worth, nothing more, nothing less. I know my thoughts become my things. And the same goes for you. Everything you have, everything you are, you created for yourself. The sooner you make peace with this, the sooner you can recreate your life and know you are more, so so much more. Think bigger, unlearn your limits and kiss your fears goodbye. They are all illusions. But I must warn you, this might get messy, because being truthful doesn’t come easy. Working past your fears can only come from getting real with your “uglies.”
5. I wrote a love letter to the universe, one to my current self and one to my future self — along with a thank you note to my boss who fired me. And I keep a gratitude journal now because I am thankful for the events that have not only lead me to this moment, but the ones that shaped my life thus far. And hell, if I can be truly grateful to my former boss for knowing that I was meant for something bigger and releasing me, you can say thank you a little more. Every day, for everything. Even the bad stuff, because a lesson DOES lie within. And why not be kind while you’re at it.
6. I talk to myself all day and I now trust my intuition more than my experience or education. And when my oldest asks me what I’m doing, he thinks I have a friend named Affirmations. Answers are inside you, just as they are in me. And most often they are communicating to you through a feeling, either positive or negative. Or even a nagging. Listen to what your heart, or stomach is telling you and start paying attention to the urges and nudges alike. You are being sent a message, put down that phone already and pay attention! Because at the very least you will be in the moment instead of simply in the photograph.
7. I mediate and daydream. ALL. DAY. LONG. Without falling asleepI I’ve never done this, and am finding it’s a hell of a lot harder than I thought! Oh the places your mind will go given the opportunity to be still! And I don’t mean this in a steamy 50 shades of grey kind of way. I mean it’s mundane and dull! It’s exactly what they mean when they say mind your thoughts, because if I think this blasé all day long, that’s exactly what I’m going to experience. So, no grocery lists or contemplating how I get Sebastian to eat his dinner, not anymore anyway. I’m going big and then dreaming bigger. I’m learning to feel it, see it, smell it, taste it, touch it. And maybe work in a few shades here and there.
8. I’ve decided on my next tattoo, “don’t think just do” on my arm. It’s one of my favorite song by lyrics snow patrol and appropriately in their song You Could Be Happy. It inspires me into action, I don’t mean this literally. I know positive thinking is everything. But this mantra more means don’t over think, which I have a tendency to do. And this little ditty got me through my first 60 days on the “happiness” program and I suppose this is my “chip.” It means don’t get stuck, don’t be stagnate, keep moving — don’t think just do. And “do” in the direction or feeling of happiness and joy. You have to act as happiness isn’t passive and it all starts with an action, even if it’s just thinking and being happy. Do it and don’t stop. Worst case scenario, you spend more time doing things you enjoy or discover new things that make you happy.
9. I’m letting the universe be my headhunter and relying on my colleagues advice. An by colleague I mean Oprah, Ellen, Sincereo, Luna, Doyle. I have faith that I will end up exactly where I was meant to be and that the life of my dreams is being assembled as we speak (or as I write and you read).
10. I actually BELIEVE everything I’m saying and NONE of it sounds like mommy hit the bottle. Not even close. I AM happy with no job and no traditional “plan.” I have no problem imagining myself sitting and chatting with Ellen and being Oprah’s pen pal. That’s are real and as plausible to me as turning this blog into a career, seeing my passion project come to life and writing and crafting for a living. I can be a best selling author and have my coffee table book sit on yours. Because I already am.
So, there you have it. But before you decide for yourself, I am not currently wearing yoga pants, I am about to change however. And one final thought by the great Albert Einstein.
“There are only 2 ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” A.E.
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