For Mind Blowing Update, scroll to the bottom! You can’t miss it.
I understand fully why meditation is considered an art and why the most successful people I can think of, both personally and publicly, all seem to share at least some version of “being still” as part of their success. There is immense power in getting quiet, but I also want to tell you it can be a bit misleading, the “quiet” part anyway. What I have learned in the 60 days since I lost my job but found my calling is that when you can quiet your mind, the universe speaks the loudest. And the fastest if that’s what you’re asking for. Enter all the journals I bought and the ever growing pile of post-its! It’s crazy, but true, ask and you will receive!
You see, when I finished crafting My Space I had just begun to practice meditation. Why? Mostly because it was in all the books I was reading, the power of sitting still and quieting your mind, the benefits to visualizing a new life and the usefulness of acquiring the skills to simply stop the noise. But I also knew there was more to it, I knew I wanted to hear from those voices that used to help me out when I felt lost, the ones I abandoned when I chose “Should” over and over again and hadn’t heard from in over 5 years. Because lost I was and with lots of time on my hands to boot. So I think it’s no coincidence that when I started to feel anxious or in need of a plan to keep me from sending out my resume, I instinctually sat down to read or intentionally got “quiet.” And that this is when it got really really noisy for me. Because I was asking to be spoken to. At least twice a day, sometime (often) more!
Now, I had already made up my mind that I was leaving it up to the universe to guide my way and was completely willing and even excited to be it’s semi-blindfolded companion, but I wasn’t prepared for just how chatty of a companion the universe was going to be! And believe me, I’m used to chatty. My husband can out chat just about everyone I know and still have things to talk about. So tuning in instead of tuning out took a minute but I got the rust off. And to date, I have woken from sleep, dragged myself out of bed, jumped out of the shower and pulled over in my car (just to name a few) all to stop and write down my next move thanks to my driving buddy. I was asking and the universe was answering. And the best part, I was aware of it. I knew it was my intuition, my guidance from the universe speaking to me, helping me.
So, let me tell what’s gone down in the last 60 days, what the universe has shared with me once I got the ball rolling. Like I said, I originally thought it was pure coincidence that whenever I couldn’t figure out what to do with my day or my hour I would read. Well, I know now that was the universe sending me the message to not be idle, to have purpose and meaning and since reading was making me full, to read more. Because in reading, I was learning the skills necessary for this journey through the books I had chosen (or attracted) for this very lesson: if you don’t have the answer, sit still. And when I sat still, I found one. Maybe not that second, but usually within minutes, and certainly before the days end. From that answer, a step in a path would be revealed and then that piece of guidance would spark another step and another and another– all from being still.
Now, you can ask and listen all day long but for anything to change, you need to act. Remember, this is your life and ultimately you are in the drivers seat only when you choose to drive. You can be a “deliberate creator” of your world or you can let autopilot go with the flow and take you where the wind blows, literally. So drive, now. And by drive, I mean act — act upon the messages being sent to you, act upon the visualization of the life you want, act upon the feelings of joy and happiness you are following. Just get into inspired action. It works people, especially if you remember that your thoughts become things, and what you focus on most is your reality. If you can wrap your head around this, everything else will begin to make sense, trust me. Because a thought alone is just that, a thought. It’s the action that changes your life.
I can say this with absolute clarity because my life is changing. I am in the drivers seat acting upon the whispers that tell me which road to turn down and when I need to speed up or slow down, which direction to take and which path I am to follow. And in doing so, I have had more ideas in the last 60 days than I have had in the last 6 years. No doubt. Ideas are flowing, sometimes even slamming into me. I have an idea for a TV show, 2 to be exact, I have an invention up my sleeve, and an idea for an app as well as 2 books. And beyond ideas — I have this blog up and running! 60 days ago a blog wasn’t even in my realm of possibilities but now it’s my happiness and my platform because I acted on the nudge I received from sitting still. See how this works my friends! And I know I’m on the right path because it feels good. Really really good. So do it, sit still and see what your life is trying to tell you. And what’s the worst that can happen? You improve your posture??
Side note — If you want a little more convincing about being quite and listening, I have a million “coincidences” I can and will tell you about but let’s start with the most relevant for this post. Let’s start with Headspace (photo courtesy of as well), the amazing little meditation app I mentioned in my 5 Fav’s Friday last week. The one I’ve been using to learn to meditate. How did I discover Headspace? By attraction or “accident” for the nonbelievers.
And it all went down like this: I was meeting my friend Sam for lunch and overheard a group of 3 girls talking about the app while I was paying my parking meter. Now, if you pause for a minute, this is really pretty crazy. I was meeting my friend Sam to discuss this blog, I had listened to a whisper that told me I needed to contact her before she moved to AZ. She is a social media guru and I had this urge to ask her for help. And when I listened, I found out that she was thinking about starting her own social media company after her move. It was serendipitous. And while she’s not pursuing this full time (yet), I am her first client.
But lets back it up further, it takes 30 seconds to pay a meter, give or take? And the meter I chose had these 3 girls sitting at this cafe, and in those 30 or so seconds one of the girls told the others about a mediation app she was using. And she then said the name, Headspace, followed by enough information for me to go home, sign on and meditate. And as it turns out, Andy, the man behind the meditation is literally a meditation guru. And this is how I’m learning to sit still, with Headspace, all because the universe lined this up for me. And the image I used for this post is their animation, a cool feature of the app.
MIND BLOWING UPDATE — Ok, so now it’s getting really crazy, this law of attraction business is no joke! While I was at Nicasa with Nic (the owner) and our friend Brittnee, who Nic just hired, Britt and I started filling each other in on what’s going on in our lives. Now, I’ve known Britt for 5 years too as she also worked at Wildfox but left back in January and being as she’s young and vivacious and I’m home with a trio of trouble, we don’t exactly run in the same circles. So, we had lots to catch up on and in doing so I told her about the blog and what I’ve been reading and learning and my new appreciation for meditation. And what does Britt say. “Oh, my good friend works for this company that has a meditation app, Headspace.” My immediate response, “I’ve written 2 posts mentioning Headspace! I’m learning to meditate with Headspace. I’m in love with Headspace, I tell everyone about Headspace!” My mind really is blown.
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