If you haven’t read Jen Sincero’s You Are A Badass yet, chances are you know someone who has or at the very least you’ve been blinded by a copy in the bookstore or at a cafe. It’s everywhere, and for good reason. Making its’ way to the NYT Bestseller’s list for back to back weeks now, Badass is in your face honest, brutally straight forward and can’t put down funny page after page. And quite often Sincero is like your big sister or best friend telling you everything you don’t necessarily want to hear but absolutely must hear — and because it’s coming from love, you remain engaged.
But don’t let that sweet stuff fool you, a no coddling message is received loud and clear as early as the introduction — she means business and she’s not about to let you off the hook, not anymore anyway. She’s practically picking a fight with your inner Badass and is quite literally setting a time and place to for you to bring it. And that time is now, so you better prepare. And trust me when I say this book is worth every second of your valuable time, no one else is going to curse you out to build you up quite like she does. I’ve done the research.
Yet beyond her big sister approach to shoving your boring, underachieving life in your face, Sincero cleverly elevates the conversation and hands over the keys to the castle — the lessons necessary to unlock the universe and alter your reality. And before you know it, she’s ripped off the band-aid to your “ho-homery” and waiting to see what you’ll do next.
So if you’re ready to free fall into living a life of faith instead of a life of fear, here’s a cheat-sheet that’s best kept visible at all times. And remember, “If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse.”
1. Your thoughts become things and they create your reality. You create your reality with every dominant thought conscious or not. And your thoughts are “the most powerful tools you have.” So pay attention to where your attention lies.
“No matter what you say you want, if you’ve got an underlying subconscious belief that it’s going to cause you pain or isn’t available to you, you either A) Won’t let yourself have it, or B) You will let yourself have it, but you’ll be rill fucked up about it. And then you’ll go off and lose it anyway.”
“Our thoughts become our words, our words become our beliefs, our beliefs become our actions, our actions become our habits, and our habits become our realities.”
“Our entire experience on this planet is determined by how we choose to perceive our reality.”
2. Get connected with Source Energy and vibrate with a purpose. Tell The Universe all your heart desires and then, make it even more Badass. Leave nothing to chance, be crystal clear. Feel it and live it, believe it’s already here and put rocket boosters on the manifestation process.
“All of us are connected to this limitless power and most of us aren’t using but a fraction of it.”
“The Universe is made up of source Energy and all energy vibrates at a certain frequency, including you and everything you think, positive and negative. Your thoughts have frequencies. “The Universe will match whatever vibration you put out. And your can’t fool The Universe.”
“When you learn to consciously mater the energetic realm, believe in the not yet seen, and stay in your highest frequency, you harness your innate power to create the reality you deserve.”
“The more emotion you can feel around what you’re saying, the more power it will have to bring about powerful change.”
3. Meditiate and get clear on what you want, use the quiet to inform The Universe of your intentions. Get quiet and get clear, and don’t forget to think big and go Badass. Then listen, The Universe will speak to you and guide you, so don’t do all of the talking or you will miss the cues you’re seeking.
“Meditating, and being in The Vortex, is like riding the airstream of awesomeness.”
“You can take your life wherever you want it to go, so grab it by its nether regions and make doing the things you love a priority.”
4. Take action, don’t just float through life. Small changes will lead to big shifts, but you have to actively engage, you have to participate with determination and passion. So wake up and realize your life is a “Big Snooze,” then do something about it. Now. “We have to take action — hell-bent-for-glory kind of action.” And do it with joy and passion and watch your purpose take shape.
“Growth ain’t for weenies, but it’s no where near as painful as living the life your living right now if you’re not really going for it. If you want to take control of your like and turn it into something as spectacularly “you” as [others], stop at nothing. Have faith. Trust that your new life is already here and and is far better than the old.”
“Follow what feels good in the moment, every moment, and it will lead you through a most excellent life.”
5. Learn to live in the moment for it’s the only moment with power. The present is creating your reality and it’s the only moment you have any control over, so make use of “the now.” The past can only harm you if you keep dragging it into your present and your future is the product of “the now.” So if you want a Badass future, be present and right now, be awesome. It’s a sure bet, every time.
“It never ceases to amaze me the precious time we spend chasing the squirrels around our brains, playing out our dramas, worrying about unwanted facial hair, seeking adoration, justifying our actions, complaining about slow Internet connections, dissecting the lives of idiots, when we are sitting in the middle of a full-blown miracle that is happening right here, right now.”
6. Love, love , love — and let love in. Love yourself, love your life, love The Universe. Don’t be so hard on yourself, learn to love and surround yourself with likeminded people. Feel love, exude happiness and follow it, “because it’s the Holy Grail of happiness.” Know that you are loved, “massively. Ferociously. Unconditionally. The Universe is totally freaking out about how awesome you are. It’s got you wrapped in a warm gorilla hug of adoration. It wants to give you everything you desire. It wants you to be happy. It wants you to see what it sees in you.”
“It’s just as easy to believe we’re awesome as it is to believe we are giant sucking things.”
“Appreciate how special you are. Love yourself and drown yourself in affirmations.”
“When we’re happy and all in love with ourselves, we can’t be bothered with the bullshit (our own or other people’s).
“Hang out with people who are living on purpose, who meet their challenges with a step aside, suckers attitude, who are dating super awesome people, making exactly the kind of money they want to be making (or working toward it) or taking the kinds of vacations they, and you, want to be taking, and you’ll not only see what’s possible for you,”
7. Get to know what’s at your core, stare down your fears and un-learn what your parents and teachers taught you. Don’t give a second thought to what anyone else thinks or expects of you and take the time to learn your limiting beliefs and get real with your “ugly.” Nothing will manifest until you’re honest about what’s driving your thoughts. And remember, like attracts like, always. Think negative, attract negative. Dwell on fears, live in fear. But most important, fear nothing more than a perception, a limiting belief created by you and perpetuated by you. And. “on the other side of your fear is your freedom.”
“Our entire experience on this planet is determined by how we choose to perceive our reality.”
“Our greatest fears are the greatest waste of time.”
“I can pretty much guarantee that every time you tearfully ask yourself the question, “WTF is my problem?!” the answer lies in some lame, limiting, and false subconscious belief that you’ve been dragging around without even realizing”
“Making a big fat deal out of anything is absurd. It makes much more sense to go after life with a sense of, “Why not?” instead of a furrowed brow. One of the best things I ever did was make my motto “I just wanna see what I can get away with.” It takes all the pressure off, puts the punk rock attitude in, and reminds me that life is but a game.”
8. Forgive, everyone, including yourself. For Everything with NO EXCEPTION. Because holding a grudge will do more than hold you hostage to the situation, it will limit your ability to bring your Badass life into your reality. And no one is more important than you, so don’t give a single soul more power than your own. Forgiveness is freedom, always. It is a strength, never a weakness.
“Forgiveness is all about taking care of you, not the person you need to forgive. It’s about putting your desire to feel good before your desire to be right. It’s about taking responsibility for your own happiness instead of pretending it’s in somebody else’s hands. It’s about owning your power by giving all your anger, resentment, and hurt the heave-ho.”
9. Be thankful, for every little thing you DO have, including the Badass life your manifesting. Gratitude is the Fast-track to your Badass life. Being in a state of gratitude inherently puts you in vibration with your intentions by creating more to be grateful for. And when you can feel grateful, watch out, Badass coming through!
“When you are consistently in a state of gratitude, and aware of all the awesomeness that already exists, it, among many other things, makes it much easier for you to believe that there’s more awesomeness where that came from, and that this yet-to-be-manifested awesomeness is also available to you. You’ve received awesomeness before, so of course, you can receive awesomeness again. This is how gratitude strengthens your faith. And having strong faith is a major key in transforming your life.”
10. Give. The Universe is a flow of energy and to receive, you must give. Give money, give your time, give love. Give back and be in service to The Universe and what you receive will be multiplied.
“Stop and feel in your body how great it feels when you give and receive; raise your frequency and expect more good things to come your way.”
11. Never waiver from what is yours to claim, stick like glue to your Badass life. Sure, you will stumble and you will fall. And you may even embarrass the hell out of yourself. But what’s worse, a drop of embarrassment or flushing your dreams away and living a dry life?
“So often, when we pretend we made a decision, when what we’ve really done is signed up to try until it gets too uncomfortable.”
“When taking great leaps forward, life often turns to shit before it turns to Shinola.”
“Trade in your drama about how you can’t have what you want for the grateful expectation that miracles will walk into your life, and the more commonplace those miracles will become.”
12. Have faith and surrender. “Surrendering is the free-falling backwards into the unknown and trusting that The Universe will catch you.” You don’t need to know the details on how this Badass life is going to emerge, you simply need and unwavering faith in all The Universe has to offer and know at your core that it can happen. Just be flexible and aware and know your Badass is being delivered as efficiently as possible.
“Your job isn’t to know the how, it’s to know the what and to be open to discovering, and receiving, the how.”
“Faith smothers your fear of the unknown. Faith allows you to take risks. Faith is the stuff of leap and the net will appear.”
“Faith is your best buddy when you’re scared shitless.”
“Your faith in The Universe must be stronger than your fear of not getting what you want.”
Want to learn more about mastering The Universe to unlock your Badass? GO BUY THE BOOK! You will not be disappointed.
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