Expect it. Yup, that’s it. If you were expecting more, I’m sorry to disappoint but I told you it was easy! Be happy it’s so simple because it is, truly. Simply setting your expectations high is even better than having an open mind, which too is helpful, no doubt. But expecting a good day or positive outcome and playing that out in your head is like asking the Universe to be the celebrity by your side. Doors will open and opportunities will appear because expecting things to go your way is announcing your desires to The Universe through intention. It’s an indirect way of being direct and getting what you want. Pile on some enthusiastic emotion and you’ve got Disneyland to yourself!
There is no shortage of material on the internet or on television or featured in magazines all declaring the power of day started off on the right foot, or the left if that feels better. Whatever makes you happy and whatever lifts your spirits will do. Because it’s no secret that how we start our day often dictates our day. All of us can recall a day, probably last week, where something early on set us off, and from there we should have just crawled back in bed. We couldn’t recover because the negativity followed us from one innocuous mishap to another before ultimately swallowing us whole. Why? Because that’s how we are wired, and that’s how The Universe works.
It’s hard to spill your coffee on your white blouse while driving to work only to get stuck behind an accident and be late for the meeting you called so your co-worker can take all the credit and then laugh at the morning you just had before it’s lunchtime. But that’s what you should do, laugh. Spill that coffee and laugh. Tell yourself, ok Universe, you got me (for whatever I did back there or back then), laugh and then don’t bring more circumstances of the like your way by expecting this event to lead to anything more. Don’t give it a second negative thought. Take the hit and move on! Then EXPECT better, immediately. And if you can’t, kindly inform those around you to take cover because there’s no telling just how far this thing is gonna go!
“You are only one thought away from a good feeling.” — Sheila Krystal
But if you can decide to not let your day be ruined and shake off the bad energy however you need to, and sometimes just knowing you have bad energy is enough, so that it won’t multiply like a wet Gremlin, you can create better energy instantly. And then your force field will up and gaining strength as your mood improves along side your energy. Expect good and receive good, expect bad and the bad you get has a funny way of flushing an entire day down the toilet.
So whether you’ve started the day all sunshine and roses or you see a black cloud approaching, expecting to have a glorious day can make a world of difference. Expect joy and receive joy, expect happiness and receive happiness, every day. Make it your morning routine to think positive, be positive and EXPECT positive.
“Happiness is not in our circumstances, but in ourselves. It is not something we see, like a rainbow, or feel like the heat of the fire. Happiness is something we are.” — John B. Sheerin
And always, under any circumstance necessary, laugh.
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